Sunday, August 12, 2007

Inside Out - Hillsong

A new favourite of mine, I hope you like it as much as I do and I hope it speaks to you like it speaks to me.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

The last Youth Group for Cornwall was last night and it was a great time! We played games and tried to sing some songs. If you want to see some pictures of the night I am going to try and put them up on the youth group facebook page.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007


First off, I'd like to welcome Kelsey, Kacey, Kayla (if you guys are here checking this welcome)....secondly, the first video is Jenna and Katherine playing cat and mouse, the second video is what Katherine posted a few months ago and that Mike used in his sermon...enjoy!

Friday, March 16, 2007

MCC Student Body Cafe/Open Mic Night

On Wednesday March 28 from 7 pm to 9 pm the Maritime Christian College Student Body is having a cafe/open mic night at Maritime Christian College located across from UPEI on University Ave.
Entrance will be $2 at the door and there will be snacks and drinks supplied by the student association and there will be others for sale.
There is a sign up list if you would like to do something, read a poem, sing a song, dance a jig? Anything appropriate. See Katherine, Robbie or Sarah if you have questions. Thus, there is no regular youth group this night because we hope to see you at MCC that night.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Wuv Tweeeew Wuv

Wuv... Twewwwww Wuv... Last night Sara did a great job bringing a valentines Party to CCCYG! And Happy Birthay to Katherine who turned 19 yesterday! Kids had fun, no one got hurt tooo bad, and Mike left w/o a migraine. SUCCESS.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007


Hey hey! It has been a very long hiatus of blogging at this blog. However, HAPPY NEW YEAR and hope that you all had wonderful vacation. It is back to school and that can only mean one thing BACK TO WEDNESDAY NIGHT YOUTH GROUPS!!!! It was a blast today. We played the MARS BAR game and a new game called CAT AND MOUSE. As well, we will be planning on future activities soon...such as swimming and hopefully if it snows we can bury people.....with snow of course. Anyway, the video above is Jenna and Katherine playing the cat and mouse game and I have to tell you that the laughter behind that would be me.


-Robbie Sevilla